FAO水產養殖認證指導方針出爐 聯合國糧農組織(FAO)漁業委員會召開的水產養殖次委員會通過全球第一本水產養殖認證指導方針;計逾50個國家出席的次委員會會議,係全球唯一政府間探討水產養殖發展的論壇。該無拘束力的指導方針廣泛探討與水產養殖勞工相關的動物健康、食品安全、環境暨社會經濟等議題;渠等也將參與漁業委員會將於2011年1月在羅馬推動的指導方針批准案。倘全數國家支持通過水產養殖認證指導方針,認證標示統一化的水好房網產品協助消費者易於分辨其欲購買蝦的養殖過程是否威脅到在沿海沼澤地生長的紅樹林、養殖場勞工有無得到合理的待遇及甲殼類水產品有否汙染之虞等情事。儘管落實水產動物健康及食品安全等議題相關的認證及國際承諾行之有年,該指南卻是首次以動物福利、環境議題及社會經濟等不同觀點進行認證。FAO水產養殖專家Rohana Subasinghe表示,近幾年來市面上出現琳瑯滿目、無統一標準、基準及原則可供遵循的養殖水產品認證;指導方針不僅成功凝聚全球濾桶成長最快速的食品產業共識,也確保全球流通的水產品係負責任生產及達到消費者的要求。該指導方針在歷經4年各國政府、生產業、加工業及貿易商間諮商及討論後終於定案。考量市場上的養殖戶有近八成屬於後院通常有沿著海岸修建的魚/蝦池的小規模經營,當務之急是避免高成本的認證流程將首當其衝的小型生產者排除在市場之外。為了開發及落實養殖認證系統,指導方針呼籲政府支持限制水產生產者建造過多的養殖設施。R氏舉出在印度及泰國有很多水產機車借款養殖戶共同分攤認證成本以分散經濟壓力的例子,證明小型生產者在現代認證系統下也能以多樣化經營取勝。(摘譯自FAO新聞稿,2010 Oct. 1)First global guidelines for aquaculturecertification finalizedConsumers will benefit from standardized seafood labels 1 October 2010, Rome/Phuket, Thailand - The first global guidelines for aquaculture certification have been adopted by the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the 酒店兼職Committee on Fisheries, part of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Over 50 countries attended the meeting of the sub-committee, which is the only global intergovernmental forum discussing aquaculture development. The guidelines, which are non-binding, cover animal health, food safety, the environment and socio-economic issues relating to aquaculture workers. They will now go to the Committee on 術後面膜Fisheries when it meets in Rome in January 2011 for approval. If the guidelines are followed in full by countries, certification will enable consumers standing at the fish counter to know whether the shrimp they are considering buying were raised without damaging a coastal mangroveswamp, whether the fish farm worker was paid a fair wage, and whether the shell fish is free of contamination. Although 澎湖民宿aquatic animal health and food safety issues have been subjected to certification and international compliance for many years, the new guidelines mark the first time animal welfare, environmental issues and socio-economic aspects have been subjected to compliance or certification."These guidelines have been developed to bring some harmony to what is the fastest growing food sector in the world," said FAO 住商房屋aquaculture expert Rohana Subasinghe. "Certification of aquaculture products has proliferated over the years claiming all kinds of things. There was nocriteria, no benchmarks or agreed principles. Aquaculture products are globally traded and it is important that we ensure responsible production and consumer satisfaction."The guidelines were finalized after four years of consultation and debate among 酒店經紀governments, producers, processors and traders. Eighty percent of fish farmers are small-scale, often with a backyard pond for fish or a shrimp pond along the coast. One thorny issue that had to beresolved was how a costly certification process could be engineered so as not to shut small-scale producers out of the market. The guidelines call on governments to support capacity building of fish producers 酒店工作for developing and complying with aquaculture certification systems. "There are ways for small producers to operate within a modern certification system. For example, in India and Thailand clusters of fish farmers share the costs of certification so they are not too heavy for each farmer," Subasinghe said.

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